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Clone repo

The first step is to clone the repository.

git clone

After you clone the repo, execute cd metele-api, you should see the followign directory structure:

  cd metele-api 
  metele-api git:(main) ls -l
total 24
drwxr-xr-x  11 edvm  staff   352B Mar  2 14:54 .
drwxr-xr-x@  6 edvm  staff   192B Mar  2 14:54 ..
drwxr-xr-x  12 edvm  staff   384B Mar  2 14:54 .git
drwxr-xr-x   3 edvm  staff    96B Mar  2 14:54 .github
-rw-r--r--   1 edvm  staff   3.2K Mar  2 14:54 .gitignore
-rw-r--r--   1 edvm  staff   1.9K Mar  2 14:54
drwxr-xr-x   8 edvm  staff   256B Mar  2 14:54 app
drwxr-xr-x   4 edvm  staff   128B Mar  2 14:54 docs
-rw-r--r--   1 edvm  staff   593B Mar  2 14:54 metele.example
drwxr-xr-x   4 edvm  staff   128B Mar  2 14:54 scripts
drwxr-xr-x   4 edvm  staff   128B Mar  2 14:54 tests

Create .metele file

Next, you need to create a .metele file (at metele-api root directory), where environment variables are defined to generate configuration files. It also works as an .env file, where its values are available both in the current environment and if the project is run within a docker container. The project provides a metele.example file, copy and paste this file and edit it with the corresponding values for your project.

So execute cp metele.example .metele:

  metele-api git:(main) cp metele.example .metele

Run the installer

Now run the installer. The installer, using the values you set on .metele file, will auto-generate files for docker, docker compose, pyproject, requirements, etc. It'll download the Python version you specified, it'll create a virtual environment, install the project requirements on it, etc.

Run the installer by executing ./scripts/devel/ install

metele-api git:(main) ./scripts/devel/ install

Rye installer

If it is the first time you run it, it'll install Rye (Python interpreter and virtual environment manager). It is suggested to respond with the following values to the questions made by the installer:

1- When asked to continue, say y:

This script will automatically download and install rye (latest) for you.
######################################################################## 100.0%
Welcome to Rye!

This installer will install rye to /Users/edvm/.rye
This path can be changed by exporting the RYE_HOME environment variable.

  Rye Version: 0.27.0
  Platform: macos (aarch64)

? Continue? (y/n) 

2- When asked to choose between pip-tools or uv, select uv :

? Select the preferred package installer   pip-tools (slow but stable)
 uv (quick but experimental)

3- When asked what should happen when typing python outside a Rye project select: Run the old default Python (provided by your OS, pyenv, etc.) :

? What should running `python` or `python3` do when you are not inside a Rye managed project?   Run a Python installed and managed by Rye
 Run the old default Python (provided by your OS, pyenv, etc.)

4- When asked to add rye to your $PATH, say y:

The rye directory /Users/edvm/.rye/shims was not detected on PATH.
It is highly recommended that you add it.
? Should the installer add Rye to PATH via .profile? (y/n) 

That's it!

Post install

You're ready to run the project on your local machine or inside a docker container. It's up to you how do you want to proceed.

Code will be auto-reloaded after any change you make on the source code (hot-reloading), both if running the project on your local or within Docker.

Running on my local

First thing to do is open a new terminal OR run source ~/.rye/env.

Second thing is to run the API. Do it by executing ./scripts/devel/ up.

  metele-api git:(main)  ./scripts/devel/ up
2024-03-02 15:20:15.568 | INFO     | main:<module>:31 - CORS allowed for all origins.
2024-03-02 15:20:15.844 | INFO     | main:<module>:31 - CORS allowed for all origins.
[2024-03-02 15:20:15 -0500] [70608] [INFO] Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
INFO:hypercorn.error:Running on (CTRL + C to quit)

Open your web browser and point it to http://localhost:7000/api/v1/hello , you should get back a JSON response like:

{"message":"Hello World"}

Running with Docker

The installer already auto-generated a dockerfile and docker compose files so just run docker compose up

  metele-api git:(main)  docker compose up     
... blah, blah, blah ...
  Container orion  Recreated                                                                                                    0.1s 
Attaching to orion
orion  | 2024-03-02 20:31:27.220 | INFO     | main:<module>:31 - CORS allowed for all origins.
orion  | 2024-03-02 20:31:27.528 | INFO     | main:<module>:31 - CORS allowed for all origins.
orion  | [2024-03-02 20:31:27 +0000] [8] [INFO] Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
orion  | INFO:hypercorn.error:Running on (CTRL + C to quit)